ORaCEL researchers demonstrate an Ultrasound Imaging technology using Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
ORacEL researchers have demonstrated a new technology capable of creating ultrasound images. The researchers fabricated a novel ultrasonic imaging device that can optically display an acoustic signal on the surface of a piezoelectric transducer. The ne technique relies on an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) fabricated on top of a piezoelectric crystal, realizing an acousto-optical piezoelectric OLED transducer, which converts an acoustic wave profile directly to an optical image
The new approach is substantially simpler than existing techniques and could significantly drive down technology costs. The lead researcher Prof. Franky So says, “Conventional ultrasound imaging probes can cost upward of $100,000 because they contain thousands of transducer array elements, which drives up manufacturing costs”. So says“We can make ultrasound receiver-display units for $100 or so. This breakthrough has recently been announced on NCSU’s news page.
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