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Regional Workshop: The Future of Materials Research (FOM)-sponsored by ORaCEL and ROI

FOM-Workshop Technical Program

Tuesday January 17, 2017, Talley Student Union Room # 3360 (2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606)

7:30-8:00 Refreshments

8:00 Keynote address by Dan Dougherty

Oral Presentations

Session I
Chair: Dan Dougherty

Time Speaker Title Affiliation
8:10 Erik Klump Quantifying the Increased Excited State Polarizability in Polymer:Fullerene Blends via Electroabsorption NCSU/Phys
8:25 Ian VonWald Evaluation of Morphology and Charge Transport in Poly(3-methylthiophene) Polymer Brushes UNC/Chem
8:40 Sara Pazoki Two-Dimensional Charge Transport in Small Molecule and Polymer OFET’s NCSU/Phys
8:55 Tianlei Sun Plastic deformation of polymer blends as a means to achieve stretchable organic transistors NCSU/MAE
9:10 Sophia Garakyaraghi Direct Observation of Triplet Exciton Transfer at Semiconductor-Molecular Interfaces – Paths to Triplet Sensitization NCSU/Chem
9:25 Biplav Acharya Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Atomic Force Microscope study of atomic scale polishing and roughening of surfaces exposed to nanoparticle suspensions of diamond, Al2O3and SiO2 NCSU/Phys
9:40 Avinash Rustagi Coherent Acoustic Phonon dynamics in bulk Gallium Phosphide and Silicon NCSU/Phys
9:55 Nrup Balar Correlating Crack Onset Strain and Cohesive Fracture Energy of Thin Semiconducting Polymer Films NCSU/MAE
10:10‒10:40 Break  


Session II
Chair: Omar Awartani


10:40 Pratik Sen Using printed polymer semiconductor photodetectors for polarized light characterization NCSU/MAE
10:55 Samuel Kenny Sliding friction of adsorbed films on fullerene substrates with tunable conductivity NCSU/Phys
11:10 Jordan Frick Spin Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fermi Liquid Surface States NCSU/Phys
11:25 Omadillo Abdurazakov Quasiparticle Dynamics Out of Equilibrium NCSU/Phys
11:40 Amin Salehi Highly efficient solution processed organic light emitting diode using a Cu(I)-complex singlet harvesting thermally activated delayed florescence emitter NCSU/MSE
11:55 Dan Nevola Surface Doping of MoS2 with Molecular Acceptor Films NCSU/Phys
12:10 Rosalva Castrejon Efficient synthesis of N-heteroacenes, 1D graphene analogues, for organic electronics NCSU/Chem
12:25 PM Ben Hoffman Spatially Resolved Shallow Trap State Spectroscopy in Ultrathin α-Sexithiophene Films NCSU/Phys
12:35‒2:25 Lunch Break and Poster Presentation  


Session III
Chair: Abay G. Dinku

2:25 Long Ye Critical Factors that Affect Complex Morphology and Device Performance of Multiple Cases of Organic Solar Cells NCSU/Phys
2:40 Robert Younts Efficient Generation of Long-Lived Triplet Excitons in 2D Hybrid Perovskite NCSU/Phys
2:55 Andrew Deloach Tuning Interfacial States Using Organic Small Molecules as Spin Filters NCSU/Phys
3:10 Karim El Roz Homogeneous Approaches to Solar Hydrogen Production from Water NCSU/Chem
3:25 Mary Kelly Fluorine Substitution in Conjugated Polymers for Solar Cells: Three Different Means Leading to Similar Results UNC/Chem
3:40 Masoud Ghasemi Panchromatic Sequentially-Cast Ternary Polymer Solar Cells NCSU/Phys
3:55 Qianqian Zhang Fluorinated thiophenes in PBnDT-TAZ for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: The Impact of Fluorination UNC/Chem


Session IV

Chair: Dan Dougherty

4:20‒4:35 Working coffee  
4:35 -5:15 Group Discussion
5:15 -5:35 Award

Poster Presentations

Tuning thermal anisotropy ratio in graphite-like materials for directional heat spreader
Hoon Kim and J. Liu, (NCSU, MAE)

First-principle Driven Prediction of Thermal Transport Properties in Two-dimensional Materials
Lu, and J. Liu (NCSU, MAE)

The effect of molecular weight‒dependent material interaction on morphology evolution in polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cell films
J.-H. Kim, A. Gadisa, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, B. R. Gautam, B. T. O’Connor, K. Gundogdu, and H. Ade (NCSU/Phys)

Tuning Directional Thermal Transport in Polymer Fibers using Mechanical Strain
He, and J. Liu (NCSU, MAE)

Enhanced Photophysics from Self-Assembled Ir(III) Chromophores in Water and Applications to Solar Fuels Photochemistry
McGoorty, F. Castellano (NCSU, Chem)

Flexible Ferroelectric Hafnia Thin Films for Non-Volatile Organic Transistor
Yu, C.-C. Chung, S. Ho, J. L. Jones, H. Ade, and F. So (NCSU, MSE)

Engineered Magnetic and electronic properties at complex oxide interfaces
Koohfar, D. Kumah (NCSU, Phys)

Tweaking structure of Zr-doped SrTiO3 films on Ge substrate
Chen, A. Kemper, D. Kumah (NCSU, Phys)

Effects of interaction of nonfullerene acceptor and low-bandgap donor on the efficient organic solar cells
X. Yi, I. Constantinou, E. Klump, B. Gautam, S. Garakyaraghi, F. So (NCSU, MSE)

Corrugated Organic Light Emitting Diodes Using Low Tg Electron Transporting Materials
Peng, F. So (NCSU, MSE)

Interface Effect on Efficiency Loss in Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Solution Processed Emitting Layers
Ho, Y. Chen, S. Liu, C. Peng, D. Zhao and F. So, S. Ho, C. Peng, Dr. D. Zhao (NCSU, MSE)

PbS quantum dots with long wavelength absorption for IR photodetectors
Dong, J.-w. Lee, S. Liu, F. So (NCSU, MSE)

Measures of Molecular Ordering for Organic Electronics
Carpenter, H. Ade (NCSU/Phys)

Dissipation and Wear of Nanodiamonds on Gold Surfaces
Curtis, J. Krim (NCSU/Phys)

Synthesis, Structural, and Photophysical Properties of Perinone Based Ir(III) Chromophores
E. Yarnell, P. L. De La Torre, F. N. Castellano (NCSU/Chem)

Food Additive: Key to Environmentally Friendly, Efficient, Blade-coated Polymer Solar Cells
Xiong, L. Ye, A. Gadisa, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, H. Yao, B. T. O’Connor, J. Hou, H. Ade (NCSU/Phys)